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Puri Fidhini
Overview Works CV

Lahir di Bandung pada 8 Januari 1992, Puri Fidhini tinggal dan aktif berkarya di Bandung setelah menyelesaikan studi Sarjana dan Pascasarjana dari Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain, Institut Teknologi Bandung. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, Puri telah tertarik dan melakukan banyak eksplorasi pada medium2 transparan dan reflektif dalam proses berkaryanya. Ide karyanya muncul dari pengalaman hariannya mengenai mimpi lusid dan pola rutinitas harian yang berujung pada pertanyaan mengenai fungsi tubuh sebagai hal yang paradoksal. Tidak secara umum mempertanyakan identitas diri dan ketubuhannya, namun lebih spesifik pada hubungan /relasi antara diri dan ruang disekelilingnya. Kesadaran terhadap perubahan-perubahan yg terjadi pada diri (pikiran dan tubuh) dalam sebuah pola siklus harian yang berulang.
Born on January 8, 1992 in Bandung, Indonesia, Puri Fidhini is a Bandung-based artist who has both bachelor and master’s degree from the Faculty of Art and Design, Institute Technology Bandung. Besides working on her art, Puri is also striving for her life path as a fashion entrepreneur and established her own brand. About this matter, Puri stated that, “art is like an alteration in expressing my anxiety, what is inside my head, where i could be what i've wanted to become. On the other hand, being an entrepreneur is another way to improve myself in thinking structural- ly, while making ends meet. “For her, both are unpre- dictable, but has a different temptation.
Educational Background :
2015 - 2017 Master of Fine Art, Institute Technology of Bandung.
2009 – 2013 Bachelor of Art, Painting Studio, Institute Technology of Bandung
Art Residency :
2016 “Pegiat Budaya ke Selandia Baru”,
Auckland – Wellington, New Zealand.
Art & culture program by Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia in cooperation with Auckland University of Technology (AUT)
Solo Exhibition :
2017 “You, in A Glimpse”, Orbital Dago, Bandung.
Group Exhibition :
2017 “The Gra(n)d Mixture”, Hidayat Gallery, Bandung. 2016 “Jangan-jangan Pameran”, Gedung YPK, Bandung.
“The I Way Fest”, Lanud Hussein, Bandung.
“Titik Temu”, Titik Temu Gallery, Bandung
“Home is Where I am”, Postcard exhibition, Harlosa – Swedia.
2015 “LocArt 2015”, Hidayat Gallery, Bandung.
“Smile is The Answer”, Grand Indonesia Mall, Jakarta.
“Pameran Ilustrasi Cerpen Kompas”, Bentara Budaya Jakarta, Jakarta.
2014 “Spot Art”, MCCI Building, Singapore.
“Open House: Garden Art Fest”, Goethe Institut Bandung, Bandung.
“Space Intruders #2 : Me and You and All the Talk”, Unkl 347 Flagstore, Bandung. “LocArt”, Hidayat Gallery, Bandung.
“15x15x15: Kolosal”, Soemardja Gallery, Bandung.
2013 “Pasar Seni Jakarta”, Parkir Timur Senayan, Jakarta.
“Space Intruders”, YIFI’s debut exhibition, Vanilla Kitchen, Bandung.
“Open House : Visual Art”, Lectures and Students Exhibition and Workshop,
Faculty of Art and Design, ITB, Bandung.
“Natamorta”, Pameran Bersama Desain Komunikasi Visual, PGN Building, Bandung.
2012 “Mix Template”, A Collaboration project exhibition, Kita Gallery, Bandung. “15 x 15 x 15 : Mind Eye”, Mini Art Exhibition, Soemardja Gallery, Bandung. “Eksperimental Exhibition”, Campus Centre ITB, Bandung. “Autotaksonomi”, Kita Gallery, Bandung.
“ITB Fair”, Campus Centre ITB, Bandung.
2011 “Mutual Art”, Maranatha University Gallery, Bandung.
2010 “Sidik Jari”, Pameran Bersama TPB FSRD Angkatan 2009, GSG ITB, Bandung.
Workshop and Art Project
2017 Speaker at “Kopi Sore; Hasil Residensi New Zealand”, Nu Art Sculpture Park,
Speaker at “Rabuan; Hasil Residensi New Zealavvnd”, Bandung Creative City Forum (BCCF), Bandung
2015 “Garden Fest: Open House Goethe Institut”, Goethe Institut, Bandung. 2014 “Vertigo” Workshop with Kiron Robinson, ITB – Bandung.
2013 "New Media Art in Southeast Asia", ITB - Bandung.
2012 “Chinese Painting Workshop with Prof. Zhu Xinhua”, FSRD ITB, Bandung. 2011 “B-Art Movement : The Butterfly Effect”, Maja House, Bandung.
2010 “Pasar Seni ITB 101010: Yang Terlupakan”, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung.
“Public Art Space : 1000 Lilin Taman Sari”, Taman Sari, Bandung. 2009 “Helarfest : Mural Taman Sari”, Taman Sari, Bandung.
“Painting Workshop”, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung.


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